It was a little nerve wracking using a camera for the first time on a paying assignment, particularly when the client is along to direct things. In the end the camera performed flawlessly. These images are the scans made from the film negative with virtually no adjustment at all - you can see a little of the negative edge along the left side of each photo.
In the digital world files contain 'meta-data' that includes the date the photo was taken, the ISO settings, shutter speed and aperture plus some other stuff. With film you get none of that; the negative would tell you the film particulars but as for the rest of the info who knows - unless you went to the trouble of writing it all down. I didn't. I can tell you that the photos were made on Kodak 100 T-MAX film with the Canon 650 SLR (constructed circa 1987) fitted with a Canon 24mm TSE lens. The 'long view' shots were taken at f/14 at around 1/20 sec and the straight on shot was taken at f/8 and about 1/100 sec.
The building featured here is the Charles Camsell Hospital in north central Edmonton.
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