Sunday, March 24, 2013

Recent Projects

On industrial sites the lighting tends to be very harsh and the colours a mix of dull grey and safety red or yellow.  Getting the white balance correct is fairly straight forward but the making it look good is another matter all together because the photo can look very harsh.  The light source in these buildings tends to be high-bay fluorescent or metal-halide.  These efficient for the use but they can also create some lens flare management problems so paying attention to the task at hand is critical so that this is controlled.  Lens flare is not immediately apparent on the camera LCD unless you check the image carefully.

This is a composite image made with the Canon 17mm TSE lens on the Canon 5DII body.  The extreme wide angle field of  view gives the photo added drama.  The bottom half of the image and the top were made using the shift function resulting in two separate photo files.  Each photo was edited in Lightroom using identical settings then exported as a JPEGs.  The two photos were merged and converted to black and white in Photoshop.  Final tonal adjustments were made using Oloneo Photo Engine

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